VEX air handling units
- designed for good hygiene


Clean air

Clean and pleasant air is what we look for in the rooms we spend a lot of time in.  A clean and hygienic ventilation unit is essential for ensuring that the air distributed in your home, classroom, nursery school or office is clean.

Whether a ventilation unit can be kept clean and hygienic depends on two things, on the one hand, the materials and components it is made of, and on the other, how easy to clean it has been designed to be.

All our compact and modular ventilation units are designed to be easy to inspect and clean. The aim is to prevent pathogenic microorganisms or harmful chemicals from being released into the air. 

The German Association of Engineers, VDI, has gathered together a series of hygiene guidelines for ventilation units (VDI6022-1). For many years now, it has been a requirement in Germany and other European countries that ventilation units be designed to comply with VDI6022-1, but now, we are also seeing a demand for this in the Nordic countries.

Materials and components

The materials and components in our VEX air handling units* are certified in accordance with VEDI6022-1, which means that all surfaces are of a type which eliminates the formation of bacterial growth. (ISO846-certified material).
* VEX100, VEX200, VEX300, VEX4000

The modular unit VEX4000 is available in a VDI6022-certified version

Synlab Certifikat Engelsk

The whole VEX4000 range of modular air handling units can be configured as a certified VDI6022 unit in our selection software, EXselectPRO.

The VEX4000 series has been audited and certified by Synlab, a German third-party laboratory. 

Where the VEX4000 unit has been configured according to the guidelines in our selection software, all the unit’s modules and parts are easily accessible for inspection and cleaning in order to prevent harmful bacteria or particles


Did you know that an air handling unit should be inspected and cleaned 1-2 times a year?

To make the cleaning task as easy as possible, we have ensured that all our units are designed for ease of cleaning and maintenance. This means smooth surfaces and good access conditions, allowing easy disassembly of parts for cleaning.

All air handling units are supplied with product guidelines with a section on maintenance and cleaning. This section gives a thorough explanation of how and how often the unit parts need to be disassembled and cleaned.

Contact us for advice...

If you have a project for which VEX4000 VDI could be relevant, do not hesitate to contact us for expert advice.



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Odensevej 76
DK 5550 Langeskov

Tel +45 6566 1234

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Vex overview

VEX Summary

Get a quick overview of our entire range of compact VEX air handling units with heat recovery.

View the VEX summary here