Ecodesign requirements for fans

The following description applies to the EXHAUSTO fan range and the fans that are installed in our compact VEX series. Since 2013 it has been a requirement for fans rated between

125 W and 500 kW that they should meet a minimum efficiency (N) during the best operating point. The different fan types are measured in accordance with different methods. It is necessary to take into consideration the individual fan’s properties and application, as its efficiency has an influence here.

The diagram shows the minimum requirements that the different fan types must meet. In other words, the efficiency of the individual motor/fan must be above the applicable curve.

Fans with the designation VSD (variable speed drive), can be set to the desired operating point, and are typically fans with FC or EC motors – shown here with a dotted line. Fans with voltage controlled motors must meet the requirements shown with the unbroken line.

 Ecodesign fans


What values must be stated:

For fans the following must be stated:

  • Real efficiency in optimal operating point
  • Used measuring method
  • Efficiency (N) is a mathematical conversion to 10 kW, so that the efficiency can be checked in accordance with regulation EC327/2011

EXHAUSTO has tested all of its product range in accordance with the requirements and had ensured that all of the products meet the 2015 requirements. Among other things, we have introduced EC motor technology, and thus increased energy efficiency even further. This means that all EXHAUSTO fans have an efficiency that is much greater than the minimum requirement that applies to 2015.

Ecodesign fans:

Find Ecodesign data for fans

Ecodesign data is available under the technical technical data for the individual fans (per size).


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