EXHAUSTO puts great emphasis on providing accurate data. So we use a third party to measure and check our data.
Eurovent certification
All data provided with the VEX100/VEX100CF/VEX200/VEX300 model has been measured.
The units have completed a major test programme in our development department and all of the capacity, efficiency and sound data is collected via testing and in real operating situations.
In accordance with EN1886 and EN13053, Eurovent has tested and certified that EXHAUSTO VEX units meet the following requirements and classes: |
Unit’s stiffness:
Air tightness class at -400 Pa:
Air tightness class at +700 Pa:
Filter bypass leakage:
Insulation class:
Thermal bridge class: |
L1 (M)
L1 (M)
T2 (M), U1≤1,0
TB3 (M)
This means that a third party has checked that the data that our product calculation program produces complies with the real performance of the unit. Eurovent checks the data by selecting a unit at random and testing that unit at their own facility. If our stated data complies with the Eurovent's test results, we retain our certification. This guarantees the customer that our data is valid.
VDI 6022 - German hygiene standard
EXHAUSTO has designed its units in accordance with the German hygiene standard VDI 6022.
VDI 6022 requirements
The unit's design must make cleaning easy. There may not be areas that cannot physically be cleaned and voids that are inaccessible must be sealed. Plates must be deburred to ensure edges are smooth and corners must be rounded to avoid the risk of injury when cleaning.
In addition,the condensation tray must decline to the outlet, so that water cannot remain in the unit. It is important that the condensation outlet is connected to the drainage system on a horizontal surface.
All non-metallic materials (e.g. seals, filters), are tested to show that they do not promote growth of mould spores and bacteria.
Because the unit is designed in accordance with VDI 6022, it is both more hygienic and easier to clean.