FAQ – get answers to your questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products and solutions. Here you can quickly get answers to your or your customer’s questions about the products.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products and solutions. Here you can quickly get answers to your or your customer’s questions.
You are of course always welcome to contact EXHAUSTO or your EXHAUSTO partner for further information.

There are different principles for controlling ventilation systems. There are many factors that influence which control principle is recommended for the individual solution.
Find the documents via EXHAUSTO’s order no. or document search right here.
Use EXHAUSTO’s for free product selection programs for calculating ventilation systems and fan solutions.
Use the EXselectRPO calculation program to calculate VEX4000/5000, CX3000 and VEX100/200/300. Use Selector-PoWair for VEX40T and EXselect for our different fans and roof hoods.
We also always offer free advice on ventilation products and system solutions. Contact us to find out more.
The capacity of ventilation units must be calculated in EXselectPRO. Find the software here.
Whether you should choose a central or decentralised solution depends on the installation. Read more about it here.
The calculation program EXSelectPRO can supply CAD-models for the VEX4000 series in three ways:
- AutoCAD 3D models in DXF-format
- MagiCAD plugin for AutoCAD
- MagiCAD plugin for Revit
Read more here

With an Eurovent-certified ventilation unit, you get a guarantee of the unit’s performance, as the unit has been tested in accordance with a number of requirements and parameters. This makes it much easier to compare units, as it is easy to see whether two similar products are being compared.
Today, the building regulations refer to BUILD’s lifetime table (BUILD REPORT 2021:32). Here, the generic value for the service life of ventilation units is 25 years. This is in line with our experience today. However, the service life depends of course on the use and maintenance of the units.
In order to reduce European energy consumption, the EU sets requirements for the energy efficiency of energy-consuming products, also known as the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC).
Learn more about the ecodesign requirement and what it means to you here.
More and more new residential buildings meet DGNB certification requirements.
DGNB is a certification scheme targeted at buildings and urban areas. The system is based on the holistic approach to sustainability (UN definition) with the three main pillars: social, economic and environmental sustainability.
You can read even more about the system and how you can earn 15 points on your next home project here.
On 1 July 2018, a new filter standard came into force. The standard helps to ensure that filter efficiency and classification are more in line with reality and the same standard throughout the world, creating less confusion.
See the page here to find out which filters are suitable for your ventilation unit.
The Danish Working Environment Authority’s guidelines regarding temperature in work rooms at fixed work sites state: In general, the temperature under normal climate and working conditions should be kept at 20–22°C when sitting still and must not exceed 25°C.
DS469 describes some general requirements for cooling of buildings.
It can be difficult to comply with these temperature limits in the summer without doing anything special. Among other things, it can be solved with an integrated cooling system or as a heat pump. Read more about the solution here.

EXHAUSTO’s ventilation solutions are primarily used for comfort and environmental ventilation and help to ensure a healthy indoor climate in homes, offices, schools, institutions, shops and production premises. Ventilation with heat recovery ensures extraction of the used air and supply of fresh outdoor air.
The ventilation solutions can be used for both new construction and renovation of properties, including the establishment of ventilation with heat recovery in existing multi-storey buildings.
Contact us page for advice on which type of ventilation system is suitable for your specific project.
Please contact our sales department. Feel free to call us or send us an email.
We are ready to advise and help you with the right solution for your specific project and guide you through the entire process.
EXHAUSTO produces in Langeskov on Funen in Denmark and in Flå in Norway. The company has sales companies in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany. EXHAUSTO is part of the French ALDES group, and we also sell products produced in our factories in France and Belgium.
Most of our VEX units can be delivered in a SPLIT version, so that they can be transported into smaller parts.