DGNB certification

More and more residential buildings meet DGNB certification requirements. Learn more about the scheme right here.
The DGNB system
Read more about the DGNB system hereDGNB is a certification scheme targeted at buildings and urban areas. The system is based on the holistic approach to sustainability (UN definition) with the three main pillars: social, economic and environmental sustainability. The system is dynamic and the criteria are updated continuously as the industry constantly gains new knowledge and practice.

In the DGNB system, there are no specific requirements for specific solutions or materials, as buildings have different functions and different requirements – they are evaluated on the basis of an overall performance. The evaluation of your project places you on a DGNB staircase from bronze to platinum level, depending on your ambition and type of certification.
The goal is to have as low a footprint as possible. This not only reduces the environmental impact, but is also a good incentive for developers. They can obtain much better loan terms in connection with the financing of new buildings. The lender receives green points for financing green construction and delivering on DGNB and other voluntary schemes.
Do you have a question for us?
If you have a project where cooling needs to be considered, don't hesitate to Contacting Us for expert advice.
Bravida’s sustainability requirements were met
Bravida's new domicileDGNB certification was an absolute requirement. The solution was VEX4000.

More and more residential buildings meet DGNB certification requirements
That’s why we have had our well-known ESL145 extractor hood third-party verified by the Danish Technological
Institute. If your next residential building is to be certified as sustainable with a silver, gold or platinum DGNB certificate, you can achieve 15 extra points by choosing ESL145 in combination with one of our heaters.