Project ID

The project focuses heavily on energy-optimising solutions, including heating and cooling from energy wells and recovery with battery exchangers.

"Workplace Oo is of a solid building quality and has energy class B, as low energy consumption is ensured through good solutions for energy supply, details and choice of materials. The building is divided into two bodies that are connected by a covered atrium made of glass, which provides daylight on all floors. The 24,000m2 building is spread over 8 floors and is the first thing you see when you get up from Storo’s metro station. (Quote: Workplace Oo)

EXHAUSTO AS was chosen AS the supplier of the ventilation solution, primarily because we at the factory in Flå are extremely flexible and can build the units according to the customer’s wishes. We also had production both in Flå and on the construction site.

Mounting the unit

The large CAHUs are produced in Flå, loaded on pallets and transported to the construction site for assembly “on site” in about three weeks.

The batteries (h=3 m, l=6 m) were hoisted into the basement of the building and then hoisted up into floor dividers before being lowered onto the base frame. 
The sections were built around the batteries before the remaining sections were built up to the complete solution.

The large RVT400 CAHUs (65,000 m³/h) consist of 14 batteries in total and weigh approx. 2 tonnes per battery. Each of these consists of 6 fans – 3 for supply air and 3 for exhaust air. The fans are of type GMEB from FläktWoods. The air speed above the batteries is 1.1 m/s and up to 77% recovery is measured on these, recovered in the two large units.

All CAHUs are delivered without automation and connected to SD systems (CTS systems) from Sauter with the exception of SMART2, which is delivered with NA2 (CAV controlled).


  • 2 x RVT400 CAHU 65,000 m³/h
  • 2 x RVT245 CAHU 15,000 m³/h
  • 1 SMART2 2000 m³/h
  • 1 x RVT125 CAHU 6000 m³/h

EXHAUSTO Denmark does not supply RVT and SMART, but offers a customised solution of modular air handling units from our VEX4000 series. Get in touch to find out more.


Manufactured by:

Skanska Norge AS
Consultant:Norconsult AS
Manufactured by:Energima AS
EXHAUSTO contact person(s):Børre
Larsen, District

Frode Valsted, Technical


Product name of

VEX4000 - Airflows 1,050 to 36,000 m3/h

VEX4000 product picture
  • All sections are adapted to each other for each model size, so that the complete unit has the same width and height everywhere.
  • The units are available in LEFT and RIGHT versions.
  • Modules are delivered separately, which will be an advantage if the modules are to be transported through doors.
  • All VEX4000 units can be supplied with integrated control system for advanced control of airflows, heating, cooling and humidification.
  • VEX4000 is calculated and configured in the Eurovent and RLT-certified calculation program EXselectPRO.




The view from the terrace at Workplace Oo