
craftsman with blueprint

EXHAUSTO brings knowledge to the market

The PROJECT ENGINEERING section gives you up-to-date, trustworthy and relevant information on how to design a correct system solution. 

We have a long tradition of keeping our customers and partners updated with the latest developments in ventilation and indoor climate in the following three areas: Residential ventilation, school ventilation and office ventilation We do this through our daily contact with customers - and of course via our website, e-news, seminars/webinars and articles in various trade journals.

In the LIVING - LEARNING - WORKING section you will get a deeper insight into these three systems with regard to legislation and the design of system solutions. You will be able to consult our knowledge bank and also find links to the relevant legislation.

Living, learning, working icon


Get free advice on ventilation products and system solutions

Export Requests:
Odensevej 76
DK 5550 Langeskov

Tel +45 6566 1234

Calculation programs

Use EXHAUSTO's free calculation programs for calculating ventilation plant and system solutions

Go to Calculation Programs
Vex overview

VEX Summary

Get a quick overview of our entire range of compact VEX air handling units with heat recovery.

View the VEX summary here