CW100X160 U (un-unsulated)

CCW square

CW100x160 is an un-insulated cooling coil (water), for use with VEX280, spigot 1,000 x 1,600 mm.

Technical data
Data for CW100x160 U
Test pressure  3000 kPa
Max. operating pressure  1600 kPa
Number of rows of pipes  qty. 4
Number of circuits  qty. 40
Spigot (H x W)  1,000 x 1,600 mm
Pipe connection  DN50 (2")
Fin spacing  2.5 mm.
Weight, un-insulated (without fluid) 65 kg
Water content 22.0 l.

Dimensioned drawing, CW100x160 U

Dimensioned drawing CW100x160 un-insulated

CCW280 U

Add all about the product series CW100X160 U (un-unsulated)


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