VEX100CF H+V Compact Units

VEX140-150-160-170 Horisontal and Vertikal

VEX100CF range

The VEX100CF range consists of the tried and tested VEX100 unit, now with counterflow heat exchanger. As a result, this compact and flexible air handling unit will continue to comply with the applicable energy rules, as VEX100CF is ErP18-compliant. This is a very flexible range of units, which can be ordered as LEFT or RIGHT and with spigot locations in the side, top or bottom.

This is a very flexible range of units, which can be ordered as LEFT or RIGHT and with spigot locations in the side, top or bottom.

VEX140CF, VEX150CF and VEX160CF can be ordered  in either a Horizontal or Vertical version, whereas VEX170CF can only be ordered in Horizontal.


As there is a risk of entrainment of condensate due to the location of the airways, we often recommend the purchase of accessory V100CFCONTUBE (a condensation drain and fitting for the exhaust side).  Read more about this under "External cooling/heating coils and other accessories" below.


VEX100H V placering

Operating conditions

In principle, EXHAUSTO VEX units are designed for use in comfort ventilation - i.e. under ordinary operating conditions.

Where ventilation solutions are required for rooms with high air humidity - e.g. due to humidification, we recommend you make a test calculation with one of our calculation programs. If the calculation shows a risk of condensation after the heat exchanger, an assessment must be made whether the operating conditions can be changed, or whether the unit must be modified to allow condensate to drain off. This is particularly relevant for VEX100CF.

Contact EXHAUSTO for advice on this.

Unique frost protection

VEX100CF Bypass de-icing

The VEX100CF is designed with de-icing bypass. If there is a risk of icing, then a certain amount of outdoor air will bypass the heat exchanger and go directly to the after heating coil. This increases the demands on the after heating coil’s output. However, it avoids a costly preheating coil. The drawing below is an example of a de-icing situation, where 20% of outdoor air is directed through the bypass damper.

Heating coil and de-icing function:
The de-icing situation is shown above, a heating coil is included here. A coil is absolutely necessary, in order for the de-icing function to work correctly. Without the heating coil, the de-icing process will cause the temperature of the supply air to fall and sooner or later the VEX unit will stop because of icing.

The heat exchanger has two forms of frost protection: temperature-controlled or pressure-controlled. The actual de-icing can take place in several ways, depending on whether an after heating coil has been fitted.

Which method is used when?

Frost protection method De-icing starts when Recommended for use in
Temperature-controlled Temperature is below the set value,
e.g. tice < 0 °C
Residences, changing rooms, and
rooms with variable humidity in the winter.
Pressure-controlled Pressure across the heat exchanger exceeds the set value, e.g. + 45 % Offices, schools, after-school club facilities,
and rooms with low humidity in winter.



Temperature-controlled frost protection Tice

The control system has temperature-controlled frost protection as standard. It is an inexpensive solution and provides sufficient frost-protection in some situations.

A temperature sensor is fitted inside the heat exchanger and if the temperature falls to a pre-set value, de-icing begins. This temperature level is factory set to 0 °C but it can also be changed to a new value via the control system.

Temperature-controlled frost protection triggers the de-icing process even if there is no ice in the heat exchanger.

Pressure-controlled frost protection (requires accessories AFC and DEP)

The control system monitors the actual airflow and also the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. If ice forms in the heat exchanger, the pressure drop across the heat exchanger will increase and when it exceeds a pre-set value, de-icing begins.

Pressure-controlled frost protection only starts de-icing when ice has actually formed, regardless of whether there are sub-zero temperatures.


Capacity, VEX100CF

Below illustrates which capacity ranges individual VEX sizes cover. To calculate the actual capacity data, use our product selection programs.


Sound level

VEX100CF, extremely quiet air handling units

The VEX units in the VEX100CF series are extremely quiet, with a far lower sound level than similar products on the market.

For exact sound data, see our calculation programs.



The compact units are designed in accordance with German hygiene standard VDI6022, which ensures that units are accessible for service and that formation of mould or other bacteria that could negatively impact air quality is prevented. Read more about this standard under certificates at the bottom of the page.



Cabinets are made from Aluzinc® AZ185 class C4 in accordance with EN/ISO 12944-2 and insulated with 50 mm mineral wool. This results in low noise emissions to the surrounding environment/installation room.

The panel design minimises the formation of thermal bridges in the unit.

Motor sections


The motor sections are mounted in vibration dampers, which reduces noise in the ducts and eliminates the need to fit flexible connections between the unit and the duct system.

The motor sections can be extracted for easier servicing.

The motors are of type EC and are extremely efficient. They comply with the requirements of the Ecodesign Directive.


Fan impeller


EXstream performance.

The units are equipped with EXHAUSTO EXstream impellers, one of the leading air fan impellers on the market in terms of low energy consumption and low sound emissions.

Connection box


VEX100 Mainboard

The easily accessible connection box with built-in isolator switch and control fuses ensures easy access for connection and adjustment. 

Panel filters


Panel filters are easy to replace and can be ordered as filter class Coarse 85% (M5) or ePM1 55% (F7) in acc. with EN779.


Heating coil - water or electric 

 VEX100 varmeflade  The VEX100CF  range is supplied with an integrated heating coil, heated either by water or electricity

Mounting base

 VEX200_sokkel The mounting base is an accessory for VEX140-150-160 and is standard on VEX170.
The mounting base has height-adjustable feet from 130 - 160 mm.


The design of the units has placed particular focus on smooth airflow through the unit in order to achieve the lowest possible pressure loss. 

Counter flow heat exchanger


The VEX100CF counter flow heat exchanger is made of aluminium. It is designed to  ensure the ratio of heat recovery and pressure loss is at an optimum, i.e.
extremely high temperature efficiency is achieved at low levels of energy consumption.

- Efficiency level without condensation: 80–85 %
- Efficiency with condensation: Up to 94 %

EC motors

EC-motor_MC The combination of modern EC motors and the EXHAUSTO motor controller delivers extremely low energy consumption and with the EXstream impeller, a high output is achieved.

Energy labelling

An energy label that states the energy class of the unit in relation to defined operating conditions is available via our product calculation programs.



EXHAUSTO puts great emphasis on providing accurate data. So we use a third party to measure and check our data.

Eurovent certification

All data provided with the VEX100/VEX100CF/VEX200/VEX300 model has been measured.

The units have completed a major test programme in our development department and all of the capacity, efficiency and sound data is collected via testing and in real operating situations.

In accordance with EN1886 and EN13053, Eurovent has tested and certified that EXHAUSTO VEX units meet the following requirements and classes:
Unit’s stiffness:
Air tightness class at -400 Pa:
Air tightness class at +700 Pa:
Filter bypass leakage:
Insulation class:
Thermal bridge class:

L1 (M)
L1 (M)
T2 (M), U1≤1,0
TB3 (M)

This means that a third party has checked that the data that our product calculation program produces complies with the real performance of the unit. Eurovent checks the data by selecting a unit at random and testing that unit at their own facility. If our stated data complies with the Eurovent's test results, we retain our certification. This guarantees the customer that our data is valid.

VDI 6022 - German hygiene standard

EXHAUSTO has designed its units in accordance with the German hygiene standard VDI 6022.

VDI 6022 requirements
The unit's design must make cleaning easy. There may not be areas that cannot physically be cleaned and voids that are inaccessible must be sealed. Plates must be deburred to ensure edges are smooth and corners must be rounded to avoid the risk of injury when cleaning.

In addition,the condensation tray must decline to the outlet, so that water cannot remain in the unit. It is important that the condensation outlet is connected to the drainage system on a horizontal surface.

All non-metallic materials (e.g. seals, filters), are tested to show that they do not promote growth of mould spores and bacteria.

Because the unit is designed in accordance with VDI 6022, it is both more hygienic and easier to clean.


Ecodesign - EU requirements for documentation, energy consumption and labelling of ventilation units.



General information

We have made a compilation of extracts from the Ecodesign guidelines, read more about Ecodesigne here.


Ecodesign data

You will find links to Ecodesign data for the individual VEX sizes under the product name and in the Download section, where we have located Ecodesign data under EU/ECO declarations.


We would point out that the values stated in the declarations have been calculated for a specific operating point.

If a different operating point is desired, we refer to our calculation programs - here you can see whether the desired unit meets the requirements for your operating point and you will find the associated Ecodesign data.

SPLIT version

VEX100CF is available as a split version.

With some projects, limited space means that internal transport of the air handling unit is difficult or impossible. This is why the VEX100CF is available as a split version. It means that the air handling unit can be assembled and tested at the factory as normal – just without sealant. The air handling unit can therefore be easily taken apart at the installation site, transported as single sections, assembled, sealed and commissioned.

The table below shows the dimensions of the largest section (counterflow heat exchanger) and largest cabinet section, so that it can easily be determined whether there is sufficient space to allow internal transport.

Section Dimensions VEX140CF VEX150CF VEX160CF VEX170CF
Counterflow heat exchanger Height [mm] 533 674 815 957
Length [mm] 758 899 1040 1182
Depth [mm] 550 628 712 500 (2 pcs)
Weight [kg]
 27 38 46 85
Biggest cabinet section Length [mm]  1365 1600 1820 2200
Width [mm]
1200 785 980 1190
Motor section Weight [kg]  2 x 16.5 2 x 23.5 2 x 33  2 x 54

VEX170 eksploderet til Split

VEX100 SPLIT version

External cooling/heating coils and other accessories


External cooling/heating coils and other accessories

A wide range of accessories are available with the VEX100CF range.

Cooling coils - CW

CCW firkantet studs Cooling coil - is available insulated or non-insulated. A flexible solution is to cool ventilation air in those rooms that require it, e.g. south-facing rooms. Frequently, north-facing rooms do not require cooling.

More information about the cooling coil is found in the section Cooling and heating coils.

Cooling coils - DX

DX cooling 150100

Non-insulated external coil that can be used both as an evaporator (cooling coil) and condenser (heating coil).


More information about the DX coils is found under Cooling and heating coils 

Closing damper - LS

Lukkespjæld firkantet studs Closing damper with or without spring-return, for indoor or outdoor fitting.

Water trap


EXHAUSTO also offers a water trap for the unit's condensation drain in dimension DN32.

SIPHONUP (negative pressure) for connection to condensation outlet from the unit.

SIPHONOP (overpressure) for connection to any cooling coil in the supply air duct.

SIPHONHE02 (accessory) hot-wire is used to keep the water trap and water pipe free of ice. A thermostat is fitted to the hot wire to ensure low energy consumption.


Condensation outlet V100CF Contube
(accessory mounted at the factory)

Contube kit

Condensation can occur in the VEX exhaust area if there is high humidity in the extract air and the air is passing at high speed through the heat exchanger.

In such cases it is recommended to use a VEX unit with a ConTube kit to lead the condensate to the VEX base tray.

In the case of VEX 100CF Vertical we also recommend mounting a heating cable SIPHONHE02 round the hose from the above-mentioned drain in order to avoid freezing when condensate passes through the cold parts of the VEX. Read more about SIPHONHE02 above - under Water trap.


Depending on the VEX version and operating conditions, we recommend the following accessories:

Solution for VEX100 CF for:  Residential Ventilation
Changing and shower rooms
Rooms with high air humidity (RH >50%)
Kitchen areas
Horizontal model V100CFCONTUBE Not necessary
Vertical model V100CFCONTUBE
Not necessary
Preferable for VEX installation in cold climates:
If the outside air temperature is under -5°C
Vertical model V100CFCONTUBE
PREHEATER, Outdoor air
Not necessary

Retrofitted condensation outlet V100CF Contube

for Accessories
The image shows the hose with heating cable from the retrofitted drain

The Contube kit and SIPHONHEO2 heating cable can also be purchased for retrofitting, see recommendations in table above.

See also Guidance no. 3005866 for mounting V100CF Contube on vertical models and Guidance no. 3005865 for mounting V100CF Contube on horizontal models. 

Outdoor installation 

VEX240 med tag

The cabinet is insulated with 50 mm mineral wool and therefore well-suited for outdoor installation.

For outdoor installation, the air handling unit will be delivered with a roof which allows cables to be routed out from under the roof on both sides, as well as the rear of the air handling unit.

We recommend that air handling units which are installed outdoors, are secured further as described in the Outdoor-manual.

Add all about the product series VEX100CF H+V Compact Units


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Ecodesign Directive

EXHAUSTO VEX air handling units and fans comply with the Ecodesign Directive. Read more here.

See more about Ecodesign here